Bees and other insects lose their natural habitats! Social, public and economic actions go hand in hand with responsibility. At the Avantis business park, a project for the insect- and bee-friendly management of green spaces has been started to preserve and promote biodiversity.
In 2018, suitable native wildflower mixtures were sown on an area of 6,000 m², another 6,500 m² followed in 2019. In cooperation with the Aachen beekeeper Geller, a total of 24 bee colonies were set up at the business park, which have now produced the first honey.
The Avantis honey is already there and you can try it out: http://www.imkerei-geller.de/.
In addition, an area of 8,000 m² has been sown with native and regional wild plant seeds as part of the Aachen FLIP project. The area is maintained by the Avantis business park. It is not fertilised and is only mown once or twice a year.
For more information please visit: https://www.flip-wiesen.de/
Just a few years after the start of the project, the first results are clearly visible: seasonally magnificent flower pastures and a high diversity of different insect species. If you are one of the companies located in the Avantis business park and are interested in the project, please do not hesitate to contact us by email info@avantis.org or phone +49 (0) 241 93 600). We would be more than happy to help you further!